When he started his network marketing journey thirteen years ago, network marketing expert Tony De Gouveia had much to learn. Like many network marketers, De Gouveia took an unconventional path to success. From working at the family business to retail, De Gouveia experienced many working environments before branching out independently. All these experiences led to De Gouveia’s prowess at creating the strongest, best-qualified team.
De Gouveia started working at his father’s cafe when he was twelve. He did not come from a wealthy family, and his father did not trust any of his employees as much as his children. De Gouveia gained experience working the register at the cafe, but he also perceived how his father could not trust his team of employees. He learned this was not an effective way to do business and started forming his philosophies about building a loyal team.
De Gouveia trained as an accountant in college but decided it was not for him. He wanted to be on the front lines working with customers. He and nine other Portuguese men in South Africa started a franchising business, and he worked with several stores and businesses, developing his retail skills. De Gouveia loved this work but felt it was time to leave when they reached 40.
After a sabbatical and searching for a new venture, he settled on network marketing. While he started network marketing in 2010, he did not truly see success until 2017. De Gouveia considers the first five years of his network marketing journey a learning experience. He mostly learned from trial and error and discovered everything not to do in network marketing.
Having a great team is the most important part of network marketing. De Gouveia studied how to be a great leader and found it was about something other than being at the forefront or in the spotlight. He is the person in the middle of the pack, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of his peers, training everyone to be the best they can be, and empowering all of his people. In 2014, he started selling Carrot Bars, which led him to build his first great team.
De Gouveia truly understood the power of having a team behind him when he built a 100,000-person team with Carrot Bars in 2018. Throughout 2019 and 2020, De Gouveia transitioned from Carrot Bars to GSP, leaving behind a 130,000-person team at Carrot Bars. He had learned how massive the potential of network marketing is and how to wield that power effectively.
Despite humble beginnings, De Gouveia has found success and elevated thousands of others to success through network marketing. He has built a new life for himself and his team. Through determination and innovation, network marketing has become De Gouveia’s passion and career. He understands how important it is to have a loyal team of trusted employees and knows how to build that kind of team. De Gouveia is a leader in his field and inspires his team members.
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